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Online Marketing - Keep It Simple, here's how....

Tom Perry
by Tom Perry - July 5, 2016


One of the biggest challenges facing IT business marketing is maintaining simplicity. We tend to think complicated is better, but doing basic things well, over and over again, leads to success. Let’s find out why.

Want a results driven online IT marketing strategy for your IT business? Then give us a call at 0207 416 6056 or contact us here.


Answer The Big Questions

When it comes to online IT business marketing, you must answer three basic questions:

  • Who is my audience?
  • What is my message?
  • How will I transmit my message (IT channels)?

Now let’s break each one of these down further.

Who Is My Audience?

This vital first step focuses and directs all your future IT marketing efforts. Audience identification comes from analysing the data you already have in terms of demographics and interests. For example, IT businesses with Facebook accounts can get data on information such as:

  • Age and gender
  • Education and jobs
  • Location
  • Purchase activity
  • Interests and hobbies

Your data helps identify your audience IT buyer persona, that is, the typical person that might be interested in your goods or services. By clearly identifying this IT buyer persona you understand their fears and wants which is the essence of good marketing. Some technology enterprises have various personas, and you can segment strategies tailor made for each target.

What Is My Message?

When you can ease pain or satisfy a need, then you have a viable marketing message. The message packaging comes into play next, and content marketing has assumed a pivotal role here. Quality articles that teach, inform, or entertain give people what they want. Content marketing’s greatest strength is that it builds trust and familiarity which are essential in the IT buyer journey.

Some of the best content comes in a storytelling format, thus leveraging behavioural economics. Again, persona identification remains the cornerstone as psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors all come into play for decision making. These things should then be central to message building.

What Channels should I use?

These days, any channel is fair game. Even the most sophisticated IT companies have come to realise that social media, for example, carries tremendous opportunities.

To some extent, you want to include marketing automation, such as email campaigns, which establishes consistency and wide reach. However, spontaneous creativity should never be sacrificed. This remains true for both inbound and outbound efforts, all of which contribute to successful demand generation.

Want to take your online marketing to the next level? Then give us a call at 0207 416 6056 or contact us here.

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